Ask an RU: Tips to Submit Quality Loan Originations
We’re all human… and humans will make errors on occasion.…

Streamline Getting a Mortgage to Close: The Clean Way vs. The Chaotic Way
June is National Homeownership Month, a time to celebrate the…

Continuous Improvement in a Constantly Changing Environment
A version of this post originally appeared on MortgageOrb.

A New Take on Leadership: How Female Leaders Can Move the Housing Industry Forward
This post originally appeared in The MReport's October 2020 Edition.

Avoiding Burnout in a Virtual World
March 2021 marks a full year of working virtually for many of…

The Cost of a Mortgage: Going Beyond the Lender Letter
This article first appeared in Mortgage Orb.
For lenders and…

[Video] Improve Your Efficiency with Checklists
When you know all the tasks you need to do to originate, process,…

9 Tips to Successfully Working from Home
These days, many of us find ourselves in the same boat - working…

Process Improvement for Your Mortgage Operations
Have you ever heard the phrase "if you're not evolving, you're…

The Training Conundrum – Classroom or Online?
The one constant in the mortgage industry is change and change…