Entries by Enact

DEI Considerations: Let’s Talk Expanded Nontraditional Credit Guidelines

In an effort to enact a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace and products + services offering, we’ve expanded our Nontraditional Credit (NTC) Guidelines to help you put more people in homes. Becoming a homeowner is a dream come true for many; however, obstacles in a­ffordability, especially for minority consumers, can be rough speed bumps […]

Managing Metrics: 4 Insights to Maximize How You Use Your Data

This blog post comes from Ben DiMeo, Enact’s Senior Sales Consultant. He spends his time helping customers solve business problems by maximizing efficiencies, improving quality, and enhancing the customer experience. Data driven decisions. We believe in collecting a wealth of data to make the most informed and relevant business decisions, but the processes put in […]

Strengthen Your Processes with Focused Energy: Tips to Boost Productivity

This blog post comes from Ben DiMeo, Enact’s Senior Sales Consultant. He spends his time helping customers solve business problems by maximizing efficiencies, improving quality, and enhancing the customer experience. With the current conditions of the mortgage industry and housing market, it’s not a wonder that more people are experiencing difficulties in optimizing their loan […]

Combatting the Challenges of Housing Affordability

A version of this post originally appeared on MortgageOrb. Affordability in housing is top of mind for many both inside and outside of the mortgage industry. For many potential first-time homebuyers, the combination of rising rates and a continued climb in housing prices has left them feeling that homeownership is becoming increasingly out of reach. […]

ARMs are on the Rise: When ARMs May Be the Right Choice

[This article is the third in our three-part series on adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs). We’re diving into what ARMs are, how they work, and the situations in which a borrower might be interested in pursuing one. To access the rest of the series, click here.] We recently sat down with Lori Sullivan, one of our Sr. […]

ARMs are on the Rise: A Look Inside How They Work

[This article is the second in our three-part series on adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs). We’re diving into what ARMs are, how they work, and the situations in which a borrower might be interested in pursuing one. To access the rest of the series, click here.] In our first article in this series, we talked about why […]

ARMs are on the Rise: The Basics You Need to Know

[This article is the first in our three-part series on adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs). We will dive into what ARMs are, how they work, and the situations in which a borrower might be interested in pursuing one. To access the rest of the series, click here.] You’ve probably been hearing a lot of talk these days […]

Ask an RU: Tips to Submit Quality Loan Originations

We’re all human… and humans will make errors on occasion. So we’re highlighting some of the common underwriting errors that we see and providing you with tips to help you avoid them. We’re sharing our reminders, spotlighting error trends we see, and suggesting ways to improve quality before submitting a loan. Underwriting Reminders: Every loan […]