Entries by Enact

[Ask an RU] Underwriting Mortgages with Student Loan Debt

With a record 44.7 million Americans with some level of student loan debt, it’s very likely you have experience underwriting mortgages with student loan debt as part of the file. But if you haven’t, I have some tips to help you properly qualify and underwrite mortgages where the debt to income (DTI) includes some sort […]

Desktop and Drive-by Appraisals: Protecting Against Interior Photograph Fraud

Recently, Desktop and Drive-by appraisals (no interior inspection by the appraiser) temporarily replaced some interior inspection appraisals as a necessary response to health risks and quarantine orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This adaptation was appropriate and necessary to protect the health and well-being of homeowners and appraisers, while keeping the mortgage process moving. However, […]

Why Manufactured Housing Deserves a Fresh Look

Remember when manufactured housing used to equate to mobile homes? Remember when loan officers avoided underwriting loans for manufactured housing for fear of low commissions, foreclosure risks, and the added complexities of underwriting those types of “unreliable” homes? For some, these myths still flood our thoughts when a potential borrower approaches us about a loan […]

[Ask an RU] Underwriting a File with Cannabis Income

Working for or owning a cannabis business has become a commonplace form of employment in the U.S. Why? Well, there is a high demand and it’s legal for medical or recreational purposes in many states.  Published statistics reflect that there are currently 24 states in the U.S. that allow the legal use of marijuana and […]

Productivity Tips for Mortgage Professionals to Have the Most Impact

We’re in a unique situation….pipelines are full but given the coronavirus pandemic, we’re having to keep up with changes in the law, changes in business guidelines, and borrower inquiries. Using our days productively is now more critical than ever. If you feel like you’ve been stuck in a productivity rut recently or that you’re not […]