
Homebuying Trends and Market Drivers: Tackling Affordability and Inventory Constraints
Affordability and inventory constraints may be top of mind for…

Down Payment Assistance: Solutions to Help Borrowers with Closing Funds
Your borrowers, especially first-time homebuyers, may not realize…

The Essential FTHB Workshop Your Borrowers Need
[We have many First-Time Homebuyer Resources to help your prospective…

Help for FTHBs: A Guide and Checklist for New Homeowners
[This 4-part series features a deep dive into each of Enact’s…

Help for FTHBs: Our Useful Home Comparison Checklist
[This 4-part series features a deep dive into each of Enact’s…

Help for FTHBs: The Do’s and Don’ts of the Mortgage Process
[This 4-part series features a deep dive into each of Enact’s…

Help for FTHBs: Understanding Credit, Credit Scores, and Credit Reports
[This 4-part series features a deep dive into each of Enact’s…

FHFA Announces Upfront Credit Fees Have Changed: What this Means for You and Your Borrowers
Some borrowers have had to pay upfront credit fees, also known…

Combatting the Challenges of Housing Affordability
A version of this post originally appeared on MortgageOrb.

A Quick Overview of Terms for FTHBs to Remember During the Homebuying Process
[This 5-part series features a deep dive into each of Enact’s…